Sigh, now that I've got that outta my system we can return to a normal person blog If I can!
So Bjorn has been gone for a whole week! Sigh! I miss him a lot!
We're planning to go to Cape Town together in December which will be pretty awesome I love the aquarium down there and there's a nudist beach! HELLS YEAH!!
While he's gone I'm keeping myself busy with lots of stuffs! Me and my mom are going to the Joburg Sexpo next week I missed it last year and apparently there were dildos EVERYWHERE!!! Hahahaha! I'll be sure to take pics.
Ive also started drawing again, I was inspired by this pic from Denie's new set Drop Your Pants.
So I'm gonna give it a go in coloured pencil. I'll post it if it turns out good!
I've also been obsessed with SG I can't help it! My brother finds it very weird that I spend more time looking at naked girls than him
I'm not complaining!
Here are two awesome sets that are worthwhile looking at
Gypsy's El Cielo. You would never guess this lovely lady is a mom! Her body is perfect!
Freesia's Turbulence is breathtakingly beautiful I love it.
Yesterday I wore a dress! How weird! It was just one of those days!
Love you all!