sooo apparently ive been mia a tad bit... well not that you missed me or were wondering ive been sin internet since i moved back into the city. oh and in case i didnt mention that I have officially made my return to mission hill and life has gotten exponentially better and more dramatic since the move. Im living with 2 of my female friends so im the only guy in the apt. its interesting but it turns out im not the most gross one of us... haha nikki is. but alas its amusing so far having to deal with new people's quirks! but im also going out much more and that has pulled me out of a rut type thing i was in. but also some crazy shit has happened at my home in the suburbs since i left as well...
around thxgiving my moms quit her drinkin ways and went on some meds that kept her from doing it. but alas that lasted 2 weeks cuz i showed up without notice and sure enough she was slurring her words and loaded as always which really pissed me off. Its a sort of pissed that people cant understand or console you for.... its wierd ppl tell me i overreact but then i tell thenm to live with an alchy for 14 years of there life having the knowledge that you were part of the reason they started looking for an escape to their reality.
so anyway i got tix to the nutcracker for us before i found out she started drinking again cuz we used to go to that shit when i was a kid. anyway when i found out i took back that priveledge (which worked out anyway cuz i had a celtics game to go to that night) so the date of that was this past friday and i called her earlier in the week to see if she wanted both of the tickets cuz i couldnt go anyway. she said no cuz she was going to a holiday party that night. So apparently she was planning on blowing me off anyway. well i went to the celtics game then out to a party which i have a story about later. then the next morning i get a call from my mom who is freaking out... apparently she hit something driving home from the party the prior night. but she doesnt remember what it was or it even happening because she was blacked out. anyway when i went back there on saturday afternoon i looked at the car and luckily it was just an accident with a curb/snowbank. And i realized it was very icy the night before but that excuses nothing she ended up taking the medicine and schedualing a few appointments and finding out when the local AA meetings are. So i dunno how im feeling about it.. im pissed cuz its taken this to get her to listen to me but im relieved it wasnt something worse cuz no matter how much i hate her when shes loaded i love her more than anyone in my life i mean she's my mom for christ sakes. how am i supposed to feel? i dunno anyway now that crazy party i went to...
It was over in allston at these guys place who ive known for a few years but dont necessarily like. But friends of friends you know? Anyway there were a lot of people from 3 years ago that i havent seen in such a long time. it was honestly a blast to catch up with all of them. Then there was this new random girl i started flirting with and for some reason i felt like being a dickhead that night so i told her i was gay but for some reason her breasts were turning me on that night. it worked we fooled around a bit turns out she was actually a lesbian so that was a little wierd. but none the less my little experiment that girls will hook up with anything worked and i was right. (dont worry i didnt go home with her) {im not that big of a jerk/slut} but i do really need to find some girl that i actually like and not just think is cute... i kinda miss realationships.
if you've got this far you've earned a prize ( ill by the first three rounds if we ever hang out)
So this weekend is the second round of playoffs in my SG fantasyfootball league. At the end of the reg season i was ranked 7 of 12 making my playoff debut in my first ever fantasy league. Anyway so i had to play the #2 seed and won by 2 points in the post game stat adjustments!... And a little shout out to fellow upsetter punkrockjuliette ranked just behind me dethroaned the top dog of the league so congrats to her and wish us both luck
Im hoping the 2 low seeds meet up in the championship game. then i would want the higher seed to win cuz clearly im not always chivalrous! ha.. ok im done with this long ass post! oh and also i got an image from my tattooist for my chest piece and it looks like shit! so it may be a while. So should i continue to go for the phoenix chest piece or should i switch my intentions to my pirate sleeve and think about the phoenix more if i disliked the first draft so much... i mean honestly i hate this drawing folks..
around thxgiving my moms quit her drinkin ways and went on some meds that kept her from doing it. but alas that lasted 2 weeks cuz i showed up without notice and sure enough she was slurring her words and loaded as always which really pissed me off. Its a sort of pissed that people cant understand or console you for.... its wierd ppl tell me i overreact but then i tell thenm to live with an alchy for 14 years of there life having the knowledge that you were part of the reason they started looking for an escape to their reality.
so anyway i got tix to the nutcracker for us before i found out she started drinking again cuz we used to go to that shit when i was a kid. anyway when i found out i took back that priveledge (which worked out anyway cuz i had a celtics game to go to that night) so the date of that was this past friday and i called her earlier in the week to see if she wanted both of the tickets cuz i couldnt go anyway. she said no cuz she was going to a holiday party that night. So apparently she was planning on blowing me off anyway. well i went to the celtics game then out to a party which i have a story about later. then the next morning i get a call from my mom who is freaking out... apparently she hit something driving home from the party the prior night. but she doesnt remember what it was or it even happening because she was blacked out. anyway when i went back there on saturday afternoon i looked at the car and luckily it was just an accident with a curb/snowbank. And i realized it was very icy the night before but that excuses nothing she ended up taking the medicine and schedualing a few appointments and finding out when the local AA meetings are. So i dunno how im feeling about it.. im pissed cuz its taken this to get her to listen to me but im relieved it wasnt something worse cuz no matter how much i hate her when shes loaded i love her more than anyone in my life i mean she's my mom for christ sakes. how am i supposed to feel? i dunno anyway now that crazy party i went to...
It was over in allston at these guys place who ive known for a few years but dont necessarily like. But friends of friends you know? Anyway there were a lot of people from 3 years ago that i havent seen in such a long time. it was honestly a blast to catch up with all of them. Then there was this new random girl i started flirting with and for some reason i felt like being a dickhead that night so i told her i was gay but for some reason her breasts were turning me on that night. it worked we fooled around a bit turns out she was actually a lesbian so that was a little wierd. but none the less my little experiment that girls will hook up with anything worked and i was right. (dont worry i didnt go home with her) {im not that big of a jerk/slut} but i do really need to find some girl that i actually like and not just think is cute... i kinda miss realationships.
if you've got this far you've earned a prize ( ill by the first three rounds if we ever hang out)
So this weekend is the second round of playoffs in my SG fantasyfootball league. At the end of the reg season i was ranked 7 of 12 making my playoff debut in my first ever fantasy league. Anyway so i had to play the #2 seed and won by 2 points in the post game stat adjustments!... And a little shout out to fellow upsetter punkrockjuliette ranked just behind me dethroaned the top dog of the league so congrats to her and wish us both luck

I hope things get better with your Mom. I'm not going to pretend I know what that's like, but it seems like a pretty shitty situation.
Good luck with the football and if you get something tattooed, please post pictures. I'd be interested to see.
Yeah, I'm definitely a lazy one, I know that! This job just has zapped the life out of me...