Ever since turning into a "grown-up", my running endurance has been in freefall. Smoking, partying and a deskjob destroyed what before made physicians ask just how many sports I practised,... Yes, I did continue climbing, but that's no endurance sport.
I don't exactly remember when,... oh yes I do.
When my best friend finished her first Spartacus run (ie. our Spartan runs) I set myself...
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It's been 3 days since the attacks on Brussels and even though I always promised myself I'd not let terror affect my daily life, I must admit it's starting to,... Today I was going to town and got on the bus as usual. On that bus, I got a message that a new police action was ongoing and suspects were sighted near public transport,... All
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So, I co-hosted the streaming of my Mechwarrior Onlines team's first tournament qualifier brackets this evening. For the full 50-ish simultaneous viewers! ^^ Must take care not to get struck by delisions of grandeur now,...
But seriously, I had a blast. Just chatting away on a hobby with a mate whilst trying to keep the audience interested. It's somewhat disconcerning that there are people actually...
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The last couple of years, I have been primarily playing a game called Mechwarrior Online. An online multiplayer shooter featuring massive robots. As in many online games that place players into units, recruitment propaganda is a major factor in the offline setting. And many of those works prove to be small masterpieces of skill and ingenuity. Envy made me put my meager skills to work...
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