Go science go!
When I started on dialysis they told me the average lifespan of a person on hemo without a transplant was 3-5 years. Around the 4 year mark they raised the life expectancy of hemo patients to possibly 20 years thanks to new technology and improved methodology.
I consider all this a fine example of the way I look at my life - I have the best luck for someone with shitty luck. Had I gone on dialysis 3 years earlier I might be dead. Had I been born in any other decade before the one I was born, I would be dead. It seems I am always inches away from catastrophe. The circumstances are always bad, but never as bad as they could be. The car accident, for example. Some people looked at the photos of the car wreck and think I should have died. I broke my leg, and even that, if the break had been a few millimeters north could have resulted in, at the very least, an artificial hip. Quite possibly it could have resulted in amputation of my leg.
I just need to evade death a little longer. Maybe a few more months; a few more years. It's a tricky life, and a stressful one, but I tell myself if I can just hold out a little longer amazing things will result.
And if they don't, fuck it. There are always good video games to play.
Go science go!
When I started on dialysis they told me the average lifespan of a person on hemo without a transplant was 3-5 years. Around the 4 year mark they raised the life expectancy of hemo patients to possibly 20 years thanks to new technology and improved methodology.
I consider all this a fine example of the way I look at my life - I have the best luck for someone with shitty luck. Had I gone on dialysis 3 years earlier I might be dead. Had I been born in any other decade before the one I was born, I would be dead. It seems I am always inches away from catastrophe. The circumstances are always bad, but never as bad as they could be. The car accident, for example. Some people looked at the photos of the car wreck and think I should have died. I broke my leg, and even that, if the break had been a few millimeters north could have resulted in, at the very least, an artificial hip. Quite possibly it could have resulted in amputation of my leg.
I just need to evade death a little longer. Maybe a few more months; a few more years. It's a tricky life, and a stressful one, but I tell myself if I can just hold out a little longer amazing things will result.
And if they don't, fuck it. There are always good video games to play.
Go science go!
Science is awesome. I'm glad you're still around. 

i dont know, but i'm thinking it will involve pancakes and bacon