Today is close to coming to an end. 6pm and I'm exhausted. That probably has something to do with trying to chase a very old dog that tried to hobble out the front door and down the stairs. In his youth, his escape could mean hours of pursuit. He was a fast dog, and fiercely independant. Now, well he's still independent and headstrong (for a dog), but he doesn't move like he used to. Stairs present a challenge for his old legs. Lemme put it this way - once I pushed him away from sniffing at my food and his back legs gave out. This resulted in him just kinda laying there, his back legs splayed out to either side, pitifully staring up at me as if to say "So, uh, I could use some help here." So now when he tried to run out the front door to play with the neighborhood children it was more of a desperate saunter. A sort of agonized canter down the front stairs. Now what's more sad is that it took me the entire time it took him to get down the front stairs to catch him, but I did. Of course it took every ounce of strength I had to hurry down the stairs grab him, and pull him back in to the house. After walking back the stairs to room I found myself exhausted. I can only assume the dog is in the same shape I'm in. Neither of us are as young as we used to be.
That's the latest event of the day. A couple of hours ago Ellen and I went and saw The Hulk, which was AWESOME. I'm glad they decided to do a new version, and that it ties in so nicely with Iron Man and the upcoming Avengers movie. It gives me hope that an upcoming Captain America or Thor movies woven into this same series of stories aren't going to suck either. Although I still don't have high hopes for Ant Man. I mean... come on... it's Ant Man. There is no way to make Ant Man cool. It just ain't happening. Maybe they'll ditch Ant Man and substitute him for Hawkeye, or maybe Quicksilver. Oh! Then they could set the stage for an Alpha Flight movie! That would be sweet. Mainly because I have a bunch of Alpha Flight comics that are absolutely fucking worthless, but might become worth selling if they make a movie out of them.
Tomorrow is the meeting with the transplant coordinator. 3 hours or so of questions, tests, and evaluations. Hopefully it will go well and we will proceed with the plans of transplantation.
In the meantime Ellen, Raseny and I will be going out to eat somewhere in Portland. Money is about to become really, really tight around here probably making this one of my last nights of culinary indulgence. I don't know where yet. Menus will be looked at soon. Then it's bedtime so I can be up early for what may be one of the most important meetings of my life.