So the good thing about being rushed to the emergency room today is that I got a visit from Nixon. I mean, c'mon, how many sick people get to say they get suprise visits from Suicide Girls when they end up in the ER?
So why was I in the ER? Well, I kind of started bleeding. Maybe that's not the right way to put it. I sprung a leak? That's a little more accurate, except replace leak "unstoppable fountain of blood."
"Oh come on, Orion." You might say to me if you were here, "It's not like this hasn't happened before." That's partially true. However, this time it wasn't from my throat. This time my dialysis access had a hole in it. That means an artery had a hole in it, and when an artery has a hole that's a whole new experience from when you're coughing up copious amounts of blood.
It involves means a whole different set of problems. I don't know the full extent of what this means yet, but I'm not spending any more time today thinking about it. I'm home. My arm is stitched. and I have a doctor's order to rest. So that's what I'm going to do.
So why was I in the ER? Well, I kind of started bleeding. Maybe that's not the right way to put it. I sprung a leak? That's a little more accurate, except replace leak "unstoppable fountain of blood."
"Oh come on, Orion." You might say to me if you were here, "It's not like this hasn't happened before." That's partially true. However, this time it wasn't from my throat. This time my dialysis access had a hole in it. That means an artery had a hole in it, and when an artery has a hole that's a whole new experience from when you're coughing up copious amounts of blood.
It involves means a whole different set of problems. I don't know the full extent of what this means yet, but I'm not spending any more time today thinking about it. I'm home. My arm is stitched. and I have a doctor's order to rest. So that's what I'm going to do.
Rest well my friend. I'm sure my moderate amount of pain is miniscule to what you're dealing with today. On the plus side, I have opiates!
oh my God, hun!! Are you ok?! *hugs*