Every person, no matter well you think you know them, has a dozen hidden facets. A dozen hidden identities that you may have never suspected, but can be clearly seen when the wind changes direction. All people are born with the capability for as many behaviors and emotions as their intellect will allow, and those can range wildly.
The friend you know today may not be the same friend you meet tomorrow, and it is only our ignorance that keeps us thinking that people never change.
The friend you know today may not be the same friend you meet tomorrow, and it is only our ignorance that keeps us thinking that people never change.
Example: I am a very sexual person... though to what extent most people never find out, because I can only be fully sexually open within a relationship. It takes time for me to build trust before I can allow my sexuality to show fully to someone.
Does that mean that when I'm single and not fucking that I'm not sexual? No, not at all. That part of me is still with me, it's just not in a position to show.
I know what you mean though. Cause I see it in myself as well as others. I think that's what makes people so interesting is that no matter how long you know someone that you can always count on them to surprise you and show you something new. Though I'm also someone who loves to help push people to a new level. Challenge them to show a truer form of them self.
One of my favorite quotes reflects this:
"Man's main task in life is to give birth to himself, to become what he potentially is. The most important product of his effort is his own personality." - Erich Fromm
ok.... end rant/long winded talk