These good times are fragile things. One playful swipe from that kitty named Life, and you are left shattered and bleeding. I think the people I've most enjoyed spending time with in my life are the ones who know the blows are coming, and have learned how to best enjoy those crystal moments of joy before it's time to find the bandages, and pick up the pieces again.
I know this moment, this relief, this hope that I feel now will all be replaced by the next wave of tragedy somewhere down the line. I know that Life will play with us all. In the meantime though, before someone else dies, or I end up with some new pain or malfunction, or another bill goes unpaid, I'm going to feel really really happy that things are going my way.
And my friends if there is anything I can offer, just ask. I have gauze, I have iodine, and I have a free pair of hands. No one should deal with that beast alone.
I know this moment, this relief, this hope that I feel now will all be replaced by the next wave of tragedy somewhere down the line. I know that Life will play with us all. In the meantime though, before someone else dies, or I end up with some new pain or malfunction, or another bill goes unpaid, I'm going to feel really really happy that things are going my way.
And my friends if there is anything I can offer, just ask. I have gauze, I have iodine, and I have a free pair of hands. No one should deal with that beast alone.
Iodine huh? I think I'l start skating again. Then you can drag my rather large ass onto a stretcher and get me to the emergency room when I blow out my knee again.
We're all on this rollercoaster together. Some just prefer to sit near the front.