I find it strange to think this, but it's almost as if those weeks spent on lsd studying Front 242 and KMFDM albums prepared me for a world in which J.J. Abrams is famous.

When the "ARG" around Cloverfield was going on I noticed something peculiar - that no matter how brilliant the people were working on the "puzzles" he put out there, no one...
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I hate that. I hate it with a passion. It always feels like I've wasted so much time when there is no big payoff at the end.

Also, I have a new number, not sure if I gave it to you. When you next find yourself in socal, let me know. We'll have to grab some food ro something.

This song has been stuck in my head. For some reason I don't focus on any one person when I hear it, but there is a period of time that keeps filling my mind. It's a brief period. Maybe a few months, and by no means "the happiest days of my life."

What fills my mind is Sundays when d23 and I would go to...
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And she will welcome you back with open arms.
The Scene:

I'm walking into a hospital room. On the bed is me, 16 years ago. I'm young, 19, and very - very - angry. I sit on the end of the bed and start talking. Simple stuff, observations in the key of funny. My humor of choice is The Fool. The observant idiot. Ignorance and shallowness are a style of comedy all their own...
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You mastered time travel?!
it's 6am Monday morning, April 13th 2009. I am sitting in a vibrating chair next to a sliding glass window. Out of the window is South West Portland. Located in Northern Oregon. Just South of Washington, which is the Northern most state on the West side of the continental United States. We are South of Canade, but this is North America.

I'm not looking at...
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Excuse me, sir. I was wondering if you could help me. I used to know this guy here named oddyophile. Would you happen to know him? I can't really describe him, but he really, REALLY likes to masticate.
I missed you too. You AND your hot, shaking ass. kiss
Most of us will never stand before thousands of screaming fans. We will never see our name in lights 20 feet tall. Our names will never make a newspaper headline, or be a reference point for people's fondest memory. Most of us will never be great. And that includes me.

As one of those people who grew up dreaming of greatness, or at the very...
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This is beautiful, and I've never played any MMORPG.
Ahaha! tongue

Now this is something i can get behind.
A week ago I got a text from The Girlfriend saying that Portland has no good donut stores. So today I dragged her ass out of bed at 8am and took her over to Every Day donuts over in Aloha. It's not Annie's (the best donuts in Portland, hands down), but it's also 6 miles closer.

"Donuts in Orange County are better."
Ok, I can't...
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seriously... clearly O is having one of his crazy pill days.
I might have to seek out some donuts now. I think I may have had one donut in the 10 years I've lived in Los Angeles.
It was a great week. One that will not be forgotten.

I have moments in time that I burn in brain with fire. Things I mark as they happen - I will remember this as I die. These moments are rare, as my memory is a precious and fickle thing. Among those moments are friends faces, sunsets, hugs, and a few special kisses. I have...
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Sounds like you had a hell of a time.
One year and two days ago I received this message through Myspace:

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

umm... Hello Orion,
You don't know me, but I've read your LJ for years. I happened across it one day, and well... sort of got hooked. I think it was the post about a cloud that you described as resembling a vertebrae, which tripped me out because I had...
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Aw, what a great story.
She's hot! Kitty isn't bad either. wink

Glad to hear you're doing all right.

Ellen bought me a book for Christmas. Amazon just delivered it today. It's called Money, and the Law of Attraction. Reading that title, you might think it has something to do with money... and laws. You would be right, if by "laws" you meant metaphysical statements about "How the Universe IS" and by "money" you meant "spiritual and equally spooky ideas about success."

It's taken...
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