I finally finished reading The Return of the King...awesome book. I was reading it to pass the time at work, but I finished it at 6...too bad I still had 4 more hours until I got off work. So...I started reading the appendixes...talk about boring, but in a strange sense, interesting. Time to go see the movie. I'll definitely be attending the midnight showing on Tuesday at my work, even though I have to pay the ridiculous price of $9 to see it. Talk about weak. Guess I'll go back to my lonesome life. Maybe it's time to finally pick The Hobbit up.
PS...did anyone else know that Frodo was 50 years old when he started his journey in the book? Elijah Wood does have pretty blue eyes, but he's no 50 year old. Good times
PS...did anyone else know that Frodo was 50 years old when he started his journey in the book? Elijah Wood does have pretty blue eyes, but he's no 50 year old. Good times