so i'm terrible about writing. i always have so much on my mind, you'd THINK it'd be second nature to get it out and into some kind of media. i have IG, twitter, all that...but i just follow the people who interest me and that's about it. although, to be fair, i did kinda have a mini rant about women earlier on twitter lol. nothing terribly bad, i'm no woman hater...just a few things i've seen trending that stahp. if you're at all curious, here's a shameless plug for following my other accounts: twitter is @putrefaction13, IG is @theputrefaction. i'd imagine if you looked up "putrefaction" almost anywhere, you'd find me lol. so anyway, the 13th (yes, lucky number and also my born on date) is saturday and also my birthday. i haven't done ANYTHING to celebrate for so long, i kinda want to change that. i relocated here not too long ago and don't really know anyone though. i mean, i guess going out to the bar is the thing still? but i'm single dad status with custody of my baby girl (4 going on 16, can i still call her my baby girl?) so just getting out at all is a scheduling thing. and are bars really the place you wanna go to meet new friends? idk, i'm probably overthinking as usual. i'd just like to turn some things around in my life, and every journey begins with the first step, i just gotta figure out what that step needs to be. most big events in my life have begun with some serendipitous moment that opened the proverbial floodgates of followup events. it was all so easy, i'm clearly crazy rusty. anyway, i'm sure i'm just venting. still, opening up feels kinda good after keeping everything inside and to myself for so long, so that counts for something. in parting, if ANYONE reads this, throw love and support to the gorgeous @marajade !! how she's not pink yet is beyond me and it's a crime at this point. world needs more down to earth and beautiful people like her in it. also, loves and support to @trance and @fresa aaaand @lioness . all 10/10 ladies! done ranting, all the best to everyone who may stumble across this!
ps: spiderman>batman 4 lyfe