Thank you for re-activating my account for 3 mos! I am very poor at the moment as I just cost myself $200 by driving over a pothole really fast! I bent the rims on the passenger side of my car! Lucky for me, I have lots of family and friends in the area that will take me to work, so I don't loose money in the process! I will post pics of the inside of my house soon. None of the outside, cuz I don't want any stalkers! Lol! I am so happy here! Hopefully you will be able to understand when you see the photos! I guess since I have this new chance I should try to get a set up again huh? Guess I'll have to shop around for a photographer again...yay!
Thanks again, whoever you are!
Thanks again, whoever you are!

Okay, here are the pics of the house I promised. More will come later, I have to take some new shots of the progress I made since I last took pics! LOL!