I know this might dissapoint a few of you, but......Dillon and I are boyfriend girlfriend again! I personally am not surprised that he came back to me so soon. I don't mean to sound all prissy, I just know that we work so well together and that as soon as he was gone he'd realize how much he missed me! That's just what happened! We decided that we were going to hold of on the being engaged thing, just because I think that's part of what was eating away at him in the first place. We're going to wait until he finishes his schooling and can support me before we get engaged again. I think. You never know, he may get antsy some day like me. I think I'm just that way because I'm 3 1/2 years his senior, and am a typical girl! Either way, I'm happy and you should be too!
WARNING!!! RANT: So, I've been here (Janesville, my sister's house) 2 months and I already can't wait to move out! Mostly I just want to move back to madison, but I really don't like living at my sister's house. There's rarely a day that I don't get woken up early by 1: the dogs barking 2: My sister yelling across the house to her husband 3:My cats and her cat fighting 4: someone going into the basement and slamming the door and stomping down the steps (the basement door is right next to my bedroom door) 5: My sister coming into my room to pet my cats 6:my sister coming into my room to get me up because she 'misses me' It's funny because she would always call me about 1 hour before my alarm clock would go off before I moved in, even though we were going to see each other at work that night! I love my sister, but I'm starting to get sick of her. I feel bad because she doesn't have any friends, but I blame her husband for that. She works two jobs and he barely has one job with regular hours anymore! Then when he comes home he's 'so tired' he can't do anything around the house. She mows the lawn more that he does! I guess everyone has their faults! I'll try to be less angry next time I update!
WARNING!!! RANT: So, I've been here (Janesville, my sister's house) 2 months and I already can't wait to move out! Mostly I just want to move back to madison, but I really don't like living at my sister's house. There's rarely a day that I don't get woken up early by 1: the dogs barking 2: My sister yelling across the house to her husband 3:My cats and her cat fighting 4: someone going into the basement and slamming the door and stomping down the steps (the basement door is right next to my bedroom door) 5: My sister coming into my room to pet my cats 6:my sister coming into my room to get me up because she 'misses me' It's funny because she would always call me about 1 hour before my alarm clock would go off before I moved in, even though we were going to see each other at work that night! I love my sister, but I'm starting to get sick of her. I feel bad because she doesn't have any friends, but I blame her husband for that. She works two jobs and he barely has one job with regular hours anymore! Then when he comes home he's 'so tired' he can't do anything around the house. She mows the lawn more that he does! I guess everyone has their faults! I'll try to be less angry next time I update!
