Holy fuck so after a bad experience in the direction of pregnancy I find out that my ob/gyn office lied to me bc my preferred birthcontrol which is Implanon/Nexplanon is covered and they said it wasn't which confused me since just 3 years ago it was covered. Anyway I made an appointment elsewhere and it took way less time to put it in than the waiting and explanation did... That being said my arm hurts now but I guess that is what happens when you insert a rod no matter the size in to your arm.
On a seperate note I do NOT swear. I have tried but it just sounds weird when I say any of it. The worst thing anyone has heard me say recently is damn or when I call someone a dick. As I get older though it gets harder to keep a clean mouth bc I want to tell everyone to Fuck off! And it is hard that one of my favorite words is one I don't say. I think one day for holding back my jaw may unhinge and I will literally bite somebodies head off and that wouldn't even be the most terrible thing I would like to do.
Sweet little me is going to Spoil and go mental!
I need some drugs or a drink!
I mean pain killers people geesh ...............

though if you want to make me some pot brownies I won't turn them down either.
On a seperate note I do NOT swear. I have tried but it just sounds weird when I say any of it. The worst thing anyone has heard me say recently is damn or when I call someone a dick. As I get older though it gets harder to keep a clean mouth bc I want to tell everyone to Fuck off! And it is hard that one of my favorite words is one I don't say. I think one day for holding back my jaw may unhinge and I will literally bite somebodies head off and that wouldn't even be the most terrible thing I would like to do.
Sweet little me is going to Spoil and go mental!
I need some drugs or a drink!
I mean pain killers people geesh ...............

though if you want to make me some pot brownies I won't turn them down either.
Ups! The new sote has me double posting just for hitting the return :( So I will now write without the return which might look strange. Try hot chocolate with red peppers, the aztek way. This might not be a pain killer but a culinary Explosion and a destraction ;)
Thank you for the suggestion I have always wanted to try it that way. What is your language?