Politics & Current Affairs

A place for people to discuss their Politics and Current Affairs. A place for all opinions from all parties to bring their talks to each other. Please be respectful and civil!


A group for vegans and vegetarians. No meatcrashers. Talk about food, recipes, events, ethics, activism, animal rights, science, nutrition, books, advice, lifestyle - anything you want, as long as it's relevant to vegetarians and vegans. IMPORTANT: Hitler was not a vegetarian. Please do not post it because we've heard it …


All things gaming: new school, old school, PC, Xbox, Playstation, Handhelds, etc! Discuss gameplay, modding, and anything else gaming-related!


A group for discussion and recommendation of Comic Books and other things that fall under the category of Sequential Art.


Anything related to music, bands, musicians, record releases, etc.

pnp rpgs

When the only thing deciding life and death is a roll of the dice ... When what stands between you and your life's goal is a twelve foot tall black dragon ... When you feel the only way to get your way is through Dominate ... When you need to …


For designers and clothing lovers to talk about the fun world of Fashion! Fabulous, darling, fabulous!


Anything to do with photography, digital or analog. technical discussion, photoshop tips, post your photos for critique, links to and discussion of photographers you love. a catch all group for everything photographic. @Nebula and @Geekyfox are the current group owners. Please address any questions or concerns there. THIS IS NOT …

makeup & beauty

Discuss any topic related to making your appearance the best it can be. From skin care to makeup to stress relief to nutrition to surgical techniques.