I'm sleepy. I didn't want to come to work today. It was such a busy weekend. Friday Troll and I just chilled. Saturday we left for the reptile show at 7:30am. On the way home when we went through the toll booth for the Harbor Tunnel there was a SG sticker stuck to the booth. Jamin and I thought that was the coolest thing!
Then that night we got drunk with our friend Kathleen who I hadn't seen in like 3 years. Sunday we woke up at 8am to go to Mopar day. Barbara and I got really drunk there and walked around taking pics of cars. My pasty ass got sun-burned.
After Barbara left yesterday evening I got laid (Fun Fun!) and then we went to bed. *sigh* I wanna go home and pass out!

-ps- I added you to my friends, you can do the same if ya want!