going to sleep. god i'm exsausted. made the intro to the techno/hardcore cd i'm working on. came out pretty good. goodnite
More Blogs
Thursday Jun 02, 2005
Your pussy is glued to a building on Fire I paint my mind just cau… -
Tuesday May 31, 2005
i spent the whole weekend on my computer, working on music. got alot … -
Thursday May 26, 2005
Another day. Same ol same ol. whats new? fuck me. -
Saturday May 21, 2005
So it's 2:22 Pm and I'm already drinking. I'm not an alcoholic, real… -
Saturday May 21, 2005
what a nice day -
Thursday May 12, 2005
i dont have anything to say -
Tuesday May 10, 2005
What a nice day. It's going great too, I haven't had a cig and I don… -
Thursday May 05, 2005
ate about a quarter of mushcrooms. i love your perscpective. br… -
Thursday May 05, 2005
Atom bomb's for everyone !! _use_wisely -
Wednesday May 04, 2005
Well, atleast one of my old friends could forgive me for moving 250 m…
Well I woke up, got stoned and drove over to Guitar Center to mess around with the synths for awhile. It's always fun in there, hehe. i had a few of the synths playing the same beat, it was called "slaphappy" hehe, then I left. when I got out to my car I realized that my wire rig I have made up to start my car was fucked up. So I sat in the parking lot for 20 minutes smoking ciggarettes until I got it. And now I'm home.
I think I;ll spend the next few hours online, and I'll work on some music at the same time. I need to go out tonite and visit all my friends that I haven't seen in 4 monthes. I should check out the new malloreigh pictures too, oh yeah!