Wahey my first comments... man I'm a nerd I know. But the fact that I am finally managing to get the internet on at all... well better than sex at the mo but I say that because I ain't getting any so ... [whistles]... next subject.
Wow I'm really messing up with this, tried emailing a dude that emailed me by accident a few months ago just to say hi seeing as I couldn't at the time (internet crap) as we seem to have some stuff in common too and I've tried twice and not sure if he got it, daren't send another. First email halfway through it did something weird so don't know if it sent then second email as I was sending it I blue screened argh! I'm so good with computers but they hate me. My mac has a mind of its own I tell you, when I have a deadline with an ad for instance and literally only have a few mins to send the ad my powerbook will suddenly decide to go as slow as possible... it only does that when I'm in a hurry grrr!
I read somewhere once that all our electricals contain entities that if you are able to tune in with them they will stay happy and thus the electrical will always work. So if something breaks down get in contact with its inner entity and chat it up a bit and it will tell you whats wrong (bash that, wiggle this) and voila you've made a new friend and have a happy printer or whatnot.
Babbling yours
Wow I'm really messing up with this, tried emailing a dude that emailed me by accident a few months ago just to say hi seeing as I couldn't at the time (internet crap) as we seem to have some stuff in common too and I've tried twice and not sure if he got it, daren't send another. First email halfway through it did something weird so don't know if it sent then second email as I was sending it I blue screened argh! I'm so good with computers but they hate me. My mac has a mind of its own I tell you, when I have a deadline with an ad for instance and literally only have a few mins to send the ad my powerbook will suddenly decide to go as slow as possible... it only does that when I'm in a hurry grrr!
I read somewhere once that all our electricals contain entities that if you are able to tune in with them they will stay happy and thus the electrical will always work. So if something breaks down get in contact with its inner entity and chat it up a bit and it will tell you whats wrong (bash that, wiggle this) and voila you've made a new friend and have a happy printer or whatnot.
Babbling yours
But the fact that I am finally managing to get the internet on at all... well better than sex at the mo but I say that because I ain't getting any so ...
Aww...Wish I could help you with that problem
.........and hello!