When the prisoners were forced to dig up the mass graves the dead entered them through their pores and were carried through their bloodstreams to their brains and hearts. And through their blood into another generation.
This is a small section from the most amazing book I am reading at the moment, "Fugitive Pieces" by Anne Michels about World War II from a Greek perspective.
It's rare that I am moved by a book, to a point where I barely want to read on because the words on the page are reaching into my chest and tearing at my heart. But, at the same time it's exciting, it moves me the other way, in the direction of passion and wanting to learn and expand myself.
I am going to write the author a letter when I'm done expressing just how much I admire her writing. I hope she gets it.
Do read...you wont regret it.
so the book is non fiction ?
Yeah as far as I know. Almost finished now, next to conquer is the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy series. i just bought a few books today though so I have some Christmas projects.