well, my best friend of four years came over lasst night and we masde out for the first time, it was so exicting, and he kissed me so slow and gently, it was great, so i had a great night, tomorrow we go to the bar for his 21st bday to celebrate. that should be fun, sorry my typing so bad, computer probs. well anyways, i cannot wait to kiss him again, he wants to be friends with benefits, i thinkk that would be nice since we both know each other and there could be more later. well gotta go, sti ll so very happy DAY! *sighs* much love

i miss those. im in a commited relationship. dang.
well but we have an open relationship..but...i cant bring myself to actually participate in it.
you know what? i smell. i have to shower. im too lazy. id rather sit here and write on peoples journals.