my doctor has taken me off work for 6 weeks, we are going to see if it is kidney failure, he has put in a referral for urologist, one i have seen before. i hope we can resolve this crap, so now i have to go on disability, that should pay five dollars!
on other business, i guess you could say lol, i have finally met a girl! she is cute and petite and wants to meet me she is from the SanFransisco area, so we will meet half way and mayb go to her place. she was telling me what she was going to do to me, while on webcam i played with my breasts and licked my nipples. fun stuff. i have been talking to a lot of woman, they all want me, but live in different states, too cool, ego booster, lol.
mint lotion has been a topic lately, lolthat stuff is great!
well gonna go ok, how many of you out there use toys? i dont own one yet, but intend to soon.

on other business, i guess you could say lol, i have finally met a girl! she is cute and petite and wants to meet me she is from the SanFransisco area, so we will meet half way and mayb go to her place. she was telling me what she was going to do to me, while on webcam i played with my breasts and licked my nipples. fun stuff. i have been talking to a lot of woman, they all want me, but live in different states, too cool, ego booster, lol.

well gonna go ok, how many of you out there use toys? i dont own one yet, but intend to soon.
Use toys.. not me babe, i got a boyfriend. check him out under my pictures, he damn sexy.. maybe we can hookup. hehe.