saw punch drunk love and just married last night, one had me feeling weird and the other rolling on the floor, and there is new fractal!!!!!!!!
i miss the purple hair but the black hair looks awesome!!!!!!!
i am thinking about quiting my job, and i am up for supervisor, that is bad? is it? i just hate it, cannot stand it, i dont know, i will figure something out.
it is my day off and yet again nothing fun going on here
, oh boy laundry day...fucking shit!!!! i hate laundry, i just hate it...
oh well, gonna go, oh yeah and whatever happened to bluefreak, i miss her and nattle, i am sad now, it isnt fair i really miss them, especially bluefreak
everyone go say hello to jerrakkimbal1427 ok, he needs some people to say hello to him , so say hi ok, he is a great person!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i am thinking about quiting my job, and i am up for supervisor, that is bad? is it? i just hate it, cannot stand it, i dont know, i will figure something out.

it is my day off and yet again nothing fun going on here

everyone go say hello to jerrakkimbal1427 ok, he needs some people to say hello to him , so say hi ok, he is a great person!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hey purpledaisy! this advice is a day late, but just think of doing laundry as going shopping. you get lots of (semi) new clothes out of it 

I saw punch drunk love yesterdaym and it was sooo not what I expected, It left me feeling wierd, too.