I have an online girlfriend, wow, she is so cool, still looking for real girlfriend that i can see and touch, i can see her, but only on webcam...but it is great, and all on gay pride day, hmmm sign anyone? i am so jazzed about this, how do i do this, what do we do, i mean it is only online, how do relationships online work? i just asked her the same question...i hope things go well, i like her a lot she lives in IL, chicago i think....*wow* she said we will just work on it, so i guess that is good sign, she is willing, lol.

so that is how i feel right now, and Tadzio said the best testimonial, thank you!!!!!!!!! that and the other thing made my night....shows you how lively i have been lately...but oh well, i am just happy WOOHOOOOOOO, i feel like homer simpson and falling to the ground and spinning in circles...i love that episode. so anyways, yeah that is the news of the day

, me so happy!!! i want to go take naked pics of myself now, i know i am weird....much love