hello out there world,
so, not a lot going on. valerie left yesterday. i hope she had a good time seeing as how i didn't really have that good of a time. i was rather depressed and feeling low on energy the whole time. thing is, after she left, it seems to have gone away. i think it's that i felt pressured to be an...
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so, not a lot going on. valerie left yesterday. i hope she had a good time seeing as how i didn't really have that good of a time. i was rather depressed and feeling low on energy the whole time. thing is, after she left, it seems to have gone away. i think it's that i felt pressured to be an...
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hi world,
so, val's been here and we've been having a pretty good time. i've been feeling a little sick and lazy though, which sucks, but we did get "out on the town" one day, so it's all good. the holiday traffic sure is a bummer though. anyway, not much has been happening worthy of being written down. so....
ta ta and more later,
so, val's been here and we've been having a pretty good time. i've been feeling a little sick and lazy though, which sucks, but we did get "out on the town" one day, so it's all good. the holiday traffic sure is a bummer though. anyway, not much has been happening worthy of being written down. so....
ta ta and more later,
Shortest Natalie jouna ever.

Hi! I saw your post in the Depression group. I'm curious to know what your diagnosis is...and how the pills you are taking are working...I was taking celexa for a while, but my new doctor was almost shocked that I was on it...it's a very old drug...I was also on Lithium at the time, which is old as well...
You don't have to share with me if you don't want, since you don't know me
But if it makes you any more comfortable, here is what I'm dealing with:
I've got borderline personality disorder with rage and narcissistic tendancies and am currently on cymbalta (for mood stabilization), ritilan and seroquel (anti-psychotic/tranquilizer)...you can also e-mail me if you don't want to post to my journal.
You don't have to share with me if you don't want, since you don't know me

But if it makes you any more comfortable, here is what I'm dealing with:
I've got borderline personality disorder with rage and narcissistic tendancies and am currently on cymbalta (for mood stabilization), ritilan and seroquel (anti-psychotic/tranquilizer)...you can also e-mail me if you don't want to post to my journal.
hi world,
today so far valerie arrived to spend the weekend with me. i picked her up from the bus station earlier this morning although i had to go twice because her train got delayed by a few hours. i think it should be pretty cool hanging out with my bestfriend for a while.
i went to the library to go take my test but...
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today so far valerie arrived to spend the weekend with me. i picked her up from the bus station earlier this morning although i had to go twice because her train got delayed by a few hours. i think it should be pretty cool hanging out with my bestfriend for a while.
i went to the library to go take my test but...
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Hope you guys have a nice time together.

hi out there,
so, today has been massively productive academically. i went to my sociology final this morning and i think i did okay on it. then i finished up my last assignments for english. w00t! so, all i have now is my english final tonight, which should be a breeze, and my library final tomorrow which should also be a breeze.
i ordered a...
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so, today has been massively productive academically. i went to my sociology final this morning and i think i did okay on it. then i finished up my last assignments for english. w00t! so, all i have now is my english final tonight, which should be a breeze, and my library final tomorrow which should also be a breeze.
i ordered a...
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TWO finals in one day??? Yuck.
thank you sweet heart.. your pretty dam hot your self... hehehe. we should chit chat some time... I am moving to san diego in 9 days we should hang out. i need to make some california friends to show this alaska girl how life really is..heheh
hi world,
not much going on today... well actually, quite a bit of stuff, just not interesting stuff, lol. it's finals week and i have two finals tomorrow so i've been studying. i really didn't pay attention or make it to sociology II most of the time. but i studied with this chick, jenaea, and got all the info i'll need to pass, plus i...
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not much going on today... well actually, quite a bit of stuff, just not interesting stuff, lol. it's finals week and i have two finals tomorrow so i've been studying. i really didn't pay attention or make it to sociology II most of the time. but i studied with this chick, jenaea, and got all the info i'll need to pass, plus i...
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Eh. I've done those four week intensive three hour a day classes. They aren't that bad. Plus, they're over fast and you have more time to play over the summer!

hi world,
nothin' too exciting going on here. i had to buy a neck brace for when i'm on the computer today though (i get bad neck pains from sitting in my uncomfortable chair staring at the screen). i also bought a vacuum replacement belt. w00t, how cool am i?! as for the rest of the day, i'm going to go get my piercing resized,...
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nothin' too exciting going on here. i had to buy a neck brace for when i'm on the computer today though (i get bad neck pains from sitting in my uncomfortable chair staring at the screen). i also bought a vacuum replacement belt. w00t, how cool am i?! as for the rest of the day, i'm going to go get my piercing resized,...
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That was pretty strong. That's the sort of thing that you kinda just "let happen"...

The ganj makes people do some strange things...
*gives you a neckrub*
Hope you are well as always.

The ganj makes people do some strange things...
*gives you a neckrub*
Hope you are well as always.

today seems to be going well. i haven't done much, but that's part of why it's good, lol. i did go to the wicca store downtown though a few minutes ago to stock up on candles and oils. i bought a black book of shadows as well because i find that my grimoire with the virgin mary on it is almost satyrical considering it's a...
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Yay paganism!
*shrugs* I have no clue what I'm talking about.
*shrugs* I have no clue what I'm talking about.

hi world,
i took some time for myself this weekend and it was great. i went on kind of a get-away with hunter. turned out that bhaskar needed a house-sitter, so we took the job and fed his dog and stuff. however, the house was great and he has a hot tub. cool cool. we also finally got around to washing our clothes (we both...
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i took some time for myself this weekend and it was great. i went on kind of a get-away with hunter. turned out that bhaskar needed a house-sitter, so we took the job and fed his dog and stuff. however, the house was great and he has a hot tub. cool cool. we also finally got around to washing our clothes (we both...
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Mmm, lemonade is good.
And glad to hear that you're doing well and having fun. And I look forward to seeing that set!
Take care of yourself, as always.

And glad to hear that you're doing well and having fun. And I look forward to seeing that set!
Take care of yourself, as always.

hi world,
well, it looks like the school semester is coming to an end. i finally don't have any work to do for school anymore now, really. a couple short last minute assignments and that's it. suddenly all my anxiety is relieved.
so yeah, yesterday sg's server was down or something. nothing in particular happened. life seems to be going well. it's probably my new...
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well, it looks like the school semester is coming to an end. i finally don't have any work to do for school anymore now, really. a couple short last minute assignments and that's it. suddenly all my anxiety is relieved.
so yeah, yesterday sg's server was down or something. nothing in particular happened. life seems to be going well. it's probably my new...
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Cute. Did you take all those yourself?
hi sg,
not much going on today in my world. i made a wishlist to send to my friends around my birthday or whatever and to post in the wishlist section of my profile on here. the addy is http://lipstick-lesbian.tripod.com/ perhaps when i'm an sg (thinking positive, lol), people will want to buy me stuff, lol. i'm a gold digger... but not so bad. i'd...
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not much going on today in my world. i made a wishlist to send to my friends around my birthday or whatever and to post in the wishlist section of my profile on here. the addy is http://lipstick-lesbian.tripod.com/ perhaps when i'm an sg (thinking positive, lol), people will want to buy me stuff, lol. i'm a gold digger... but not so bad. i'd...
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The plot thickens......
Sorry. I'm such a ham.
Hope you are well, as always.
Sorry. I'm such a ham.

Hope you are well, as always.

Tickle matchmaking?
I am curious and definitely checking that site out.
PS. My best friend lives like 13 hours away from me. It is hard to keep in touch, but some how our relationship still works.
I am curious and definitely checking that site out.
PS. My best friend lives like 13 hours away from me. It is hard to keep in touch, but some how our relationship still works.
hi world,
well, today's been another long day. it's weird, this diurnal schedule that most people live on. i really prefer my own, which is like, bedtime at 3am and get up at 1 or 2pm, hehe. but, seems i have to comply with what the rest of america's time standards are... at least for now.
i wrote my research paper for english and did...
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well, today's been another long day. it's weird, this diurnal schedule that most people live on. i really prefer my own, which is like, bedtime at 3am and get up at 1 or 2pm, hehe. but, seems i have to comply with what the rest of america's time standards are... at least for now.
i wrote my research paper for english and did...
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nice pics and oooh nite time at the beach that sounds sweet

yeah, really like the new profile pic. God choice!!! 

Wow... the day has crept along slowly. I know why though. I actually went to bed a slightly more decent hour, that being midnight, and slept soundly all night. So I woke up at around eight and that's when my day started. Usually it's a bit later... like past noon, hehe.
I had McDonald's for breakfast. It was wonderful and horrible at the same time....
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I had McDonald's for breakfast. It was wonderful and horrible at the same time....
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Yay errands! Boo social anxiety!
Hope you are well.
Hope you are well.

It's fantastic to learn that your mental illness is NOT cause by chemical inbalances, but that it's just the way that you are...
Yay for type 2 personalities!!!