Everyone always asks me, "Why are you so quiet?"
They are so uncomfortable with silence that they are constantly trying to find something to amuse themselves and eventually they turn on me as if I am for this moment in time expected to be their jester. I am told I lack personality. They tell me I am ignoring them. I can't get a descent job... Read More
hmm, well I thought you were quite charming at the new years party.
But yeah, I kind of know what you mean. It's like... whenever I hang out with people, I always feel like i have to come up with something clever to say, or be funny. I guess that's why I hang out by myself a lot. It's just too much work otherwise.
I have noticed that I am squeamish when someone else gets poked with a needle but everytime I get my blood drawn I enjoy it immensly. Does this make me masochistic?
Oh yes, I definitely had a lot of fun.
I lost Pat's email though He was such a cutie!
Anyway, it was rad to meet you.
Hope you have fun at your next destination.
Time to go to Dallas, stay with my bro until I catch my plane thursday to Boston. Then head to NH so I can snowboard everyday until New Years when I'll head over to NYC then go back and snowboard some more until the 6th.
thanks for your interpretation. that's what i was looking for, some way to interpret the dream other than through my own fears.
and your interpretation made some sense. the day before, i had had the most pleasant day hanging out with friends and thus the shift from such contentment as i felt when i went to bed into that dream seemed unreasonable. but if, as you say, it was a dream about transformation, that would make a lot more sense.