My favorite office mate is leaving on the 28th. Her work ethic, enthusiasm for hard work and customer satisfaction were infectious. She is the third person to hold that positon in the six months I have been with the company. Since starting, seven or eight people have quit or been fired. My boss/the owner has no concept of reality. I am either next on the chopping block or next to hand in the ole' resignation. The sad thing is that I love my job...but I need to grow.
Shit, I am on the meat market again.
Oh well, off to drink some cabernet sauvignon...
fuck it.
and fyi, i need new porn. Someone recommend something to me.
Shit, I am on the meat market again.
Oh well, off to drink some cabernet sauvignon...
fuck it.
and fyi, i need new porn. Someone recommend something to me.

That said, Jenna loving Bella looks tres interesting. If you get it you'l have to let me know how it is.
p.s. Caroline Pierce and Sara Jay are my new favorite starlets You should check 'em out.