Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh Bitches!!!!
I meant what I said in my last entry...I am so sincere.
I am decently inspired today. I am deflecting all of the shots aimed at my direction. The Postal Service is singing about the Ocean breathing salty in the background...I am fucking invinceable right now.
TheUnicorn is all sweating me again. I can go days without calling him and not pick up the phone to do it. Yeah, I think abotu him, but not in that let-me-run-and-get-my-vibrator kind of way. I hat to quote some trite teeny-bopper but he is "so yesterday". That makes me giggly and happy.
I officially have a crush on myself. Not in a narcissistic, i-am-the-shit way, but in an I-am-the-mistress-of-my-universe-my-ass-looks-nice-in-these-jeans-grab-a-number2-pencil-if-you-want-to-test-me-BITCHES-----kind of way. Yes, I know. I am certifiably crazy.
But it beats the hell out of my past weeks of melancholy.
and just incase you didn't know PeanutButter is the official hotness. He has a new set in SB and it will seriously melt your monitor. He is so sexymoodyyummy. Go look at the set.
this is me right now!
I meant what I said in my last entry...I am so sincere.
I am decently inspired today. I am deflecting all of the shots aimed at my direction. The Postal Service is singing about the Ocean breathing salty in the background...I am fucking invinceable right now.
TheUnicorn is all sweating me again. I can go days without calling him and not pick up the phone to do it. Yeah, I think abotu him, but not in that let-me-run-and-get-my-vibrator kind of way. I hat to quote some trite teeny-bopper but he is "so yesterday". That makes me giggly and happy.
I officially have a crush on myself. Not in a narcissistic, i-am-the-shit way, but in an I-am-the-mistress-of-my-universe-my-ass-looks-nice-in-these-jeans-grab-a-number2-pencil-if-you-want-to-test-me-BITCHES-----kind of way. Yes, I know. I am certifiably crazy.
But it beats the hell out of my past weeks of melancholy.
and just incase you didn't know PeanutButter is the official hotness. He has a new set in SB and it will seriously melt your monitor. He is so sexymoodyyummy. Go look at the set.

this is me right now!
you're my pimp.
I'll try to coordinate the weekend with NC. What I'm shooting for - Ethiopian dinner and The Life Aquatic... on Friday night, near me (west ALexandria). Saturday night's no good for me. We'll see.