Doing payroll sucks ass when people can't manage to put their paperwork in order. How hard is it to fill out a time card with the job number, the customer address, and how many hours you spen there?
Damn you, electricians!!! Damn you all!!!!!!!!!
Damn you, electricians!!! Damn you all!!!!!!!!!
i just stumbled across you and saw that your blog was funny. because, i am on the other end, as a carpenter. every week i itemize, date, job # id/fax my parking receipts, email an excel sheet w/ my daily breakdowns, labor codes, job #'s, proper dates, text definitions and they still blow it on a regular basis, like three out of four. i am convinced no matter what side you are on payroll is a tangled deal of what happened...
so the next week i have to re file the week before and sometimes the week before that to get paid for all my hours and parking stubs... this month is just filled with too many distractions for the whatever to sit well and just flow.