My gender is officially: exotic. That is a cool option.
What do you think about the name change? It is so appropriate right now.
I am fucking unApologetic.
I am who I am.
I would prefer to be loved
but you can hate me if you choose.
I am so tired of caring.
I just want to get overly tipsy and dance until my feet and quads hurt and my cheeks hurt from smiling so damn hard because yeah muthafuckka, that is MY SONG!!!!
yes, totally random, but all true.
and FYI
fuck theUnicorn
he can go to the lowest level of hell
and i am officially going to stop thinking of that wonderful sex when my vibrator is rattling my teeth
What do you think about the name change? It is so appropriate right now.
I am fucking unApologetic.
I am who I am.
I would prefer to be loved
but you can hate me if you choose.
I am so tired of caring.
I just want to get overly tipsy and dance until my feet and quads hurt and my cheeks hurt from smiling so damn hard because yeah muthafuckka, that is MY SONG!!!!
yes, totally random, but all true.
and FYI
fuck theUnicorn
he can go to the lowest level of hell
and i am officially going to stop thinking of that wonderful sex when my vibrator is rattling my teeth

coloreddreams: haven't seen the new 'do
Never apologize. Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke.