So I really want a new job...and a new digital camera...and seems really selfish to want all these things when I just bought a new car....I really am serious about the job part though. I have been away for a week because of my surgery and I called to get my schedule today. They scheduled me for a bunch of hours when I am technically unavailable since my store manager told me it was cool for me to accept another part time job working on the weekends. Fuckers. I really need to do this side job stuff because it is actually something IN MY FIELD!!!!...or at least it's kinda adjacent to it somewhat.
four months ago when I accepted this job I just knew that it was perfect for four months, three managers, countless fired/quit associates later, I am picking up lots and lots of slack. The life of a middle manager in retail is not a pretty thing.
four months ago when I accepted this job I just knew that it was perfect for four months, three managers, countless fired/quit associates later, I am picking up lots and lots of slack. The life of a middle manager in retail is not a pretty thing.
happy halloween
You wanna talk wild? I was walking through the city yesterday and we found a digital camera and a scientific calculator on the curb in a box of junk! They both work and everything!