I was Driving down the interstate when i saw some daffodils on the side of the road in one of those little "landscaped" plots. They seemed out of place....
For my very young cousin who just gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby girl (named Aries!) and is catching a lot of crap from the matrons of the family....
The daffodils are dying
A barely audible moaning
Exists beneath the ceaseless roar
Of rubber beating black asphalt
Babys presence whispering subtle beauties
Imperceptible smothered under the din of stentorian voices raised in disaproval
Mothers youth forces constant interrogations
Those constant questions reinforce her steadfastness, her resileince
Bright yellow and strong green
Lean into the man made automobile wind whizzing down the highway
Flower petals speak in hushes
Mama hears you.
~I am still responding to all the comments you guys left while i went AWOL/MIA for the weekend!
I can write again. OH GAWD.
This is only a test!
For my very young cousin who just gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby girl (named Aries!) and is catching a lot of crap from the matrons of the family....
The daffodils are dying
A barely audible moaning
Exists beneath the ceaseless roar
Of rubber beating black asphalt
Babys presence whispering subtle beauties
Imperceptible smothered under the din of stentorian voices raised in disaproval
Mothers youth forces constant interrogations
Those constant questions reinforce her steadfastness, her resileince
Bright yellow and strong green
Lean into the man made automobile wind whizzing down the highway
Flower petals speak in hushes
Mama hears you.
~I am still responding to all the comments you guys left while i went AWOL/MIA for the weekend!

I can write again. OH GAWD.
This is only a test!
tell ur cousin that just because ppl look down on u because of your choices doesnt mean anything. keep ur head up and prove to them that ur stronger than any of the crap they say to u. my parents looked down on me and put me under severe house arrest for being with jason when they first found out... but they stopped when they realized that it was my choice and i was gonna make it work. anyways. looks like im going home soon and ill probably stay till june.
well its late and i gotta get up at like 7.... poop.
ill write more later.... well i email u later.
i feel you, just like when we was stuck outside of Insomnia and we tried one last time to start the fuckin car......she hears you...