screw stupid "what you thought were your friend" type people ughhhhh!!!!!
this does not make for a very happy miss blu
so get this friend of mine moved down here roomie wasn't to happy about him staying with us for a long time... we talked and ALL agreed that if it didn't work out he would have to find another place to stay everything was ok at that point
so he moves in and one thing after another pops up not to mention I'm not to thrilled with sharing my room, his cats spaying all over, he does't pick up after himself among other things so a couple weeks before the month is to end I have a talk with him and let him know that I think its time for him to find another place but that he could stay until he found something about three weeks later he tells me that hes going to be moving out the next day but will still give me money for the time hes there and for utilities np
I just happened to be checking my myspace and came across his name checked his blogs and what do ya know there about our situation but with a bunch of shit talk and lies
so so not cool check it out for your self his name is widerstand
poop on shitty people!!!
this does not make for a very happy miss blu
so get this friend of mine moved down here roomie wasn't to happy about him staying with us for a long time... we talked and ALL agreed that if it didn't work out he would have to find another place to stay everything was ok at that point
so he moves in and one thing after another pops up not to mention I'm not to thrilled with sharing my room, his cats spaying all over, he does't pick up after himself among other things so a couple weeks before the month is to end I have a talk with him and let him know that I think its time for him to find another place but that he could stay until he found something about three weeks later he tells me that hes going to be moving out the next day but will still give me money for the time hes there and for utilities np
I just happened to be checking my myspace and came across his name checked his blogs and what do ya know there about our situation but with a bunch of shit talk and lies

poop on shitty people!!!
i hate inconsiderate people!!!! grrr!
Ok so we will get together soon hopefully! I have a stupid party to go to next Sat but maybe will duck out early to go catch the Gossip play at the Casbah. But maybe weekend after??I plan on getting some peonies tattooed that weekend so I should drink it up to numb the stinging!