Pretty chilled out weekend aside from having to dog sit (not to happy)...friday lots of cleaning had dinner downtown then went shopping yey to new stuff, saturday got a hair trim layer deal went to the beach had a few drinks watched a friend get all schnokered and jump into the ocean oi my what a site luckily the guy she took care of her returned home just to realize it was only 7 haha hung with a new friend drinkin and movies always a good combo sunday rahahaha did absolutly nuthing but lounge now its monday wish it was friday again poopy poopy but its ok I'll live

dont u just hate it when weekends go by so fast that there over in a blink. for once I am hugley looking forward to the wekend 

Ok I am gonna go on Sunday so you should too! I live right down the street so you can come over & we can walk there! I'm e-mailing you my digits now if you wanna...