a new post with a whole lot a nothingness...how about that...haha
no really aside from work and school and getting the blood drained from me oh yea and the partying and ok the new new roomie (the old ones not gone yet) not a lot goin on
been a busy couple a weeks
to all you Price is Right people on 11/07/06 look for yours truly cheerin my boss on (hint check left side), most funniest part is she lost the bed but won a washer and dryer n diddn't even know it
And just a heads up to anyone wanting to support/sponsor my team and I in the AIDS Walk SD go to our pageAIDSWALKSD
thanks and cheers to a weekend kick off of the cruise and bruise
no really aside from work and school and getting the blood drained from me oh yea and the partying and ok the new new roomie (the old ones not gone yet) not a lot goin on

to all you Price is Right people on 11/07/06 look for yours truly cheerin my boss on (hint check left side), most funniest part is she lost the bed but won a washer and dryer n diddn't even know it

And just a heads up to anyone wanting to support/sponsor my team and I in the AIDS Walk SD go to our pageAIDSWALKSD
thanks and cheers to a weekend kick off of the cruise and bruise