I need to slow the crap down ...uggghhh damn the shots they always seem to sneak up on me and schnocker me out by the nights end...my recovery times seem to take longer and longer
aside from my drunken times I have the Dr. Phil show to look forward to...oh yes you heard correctly (only I'll be in the audience with the lady I work for) what a days work uh?
fun stuff I tell ya! haha
just so crazy info: the new horizon space craft that was just launched is going to take some 9 freakin years to get to Pluto and then venture beyond to the lastest "planet" discovered
aside from my drunken times I have the Dr. Phil show to look forward to...oh yes you heard correctly (only I'll be in the audience with the lady I work for) what a days work uh?
fun stuff I tell ya! haha
just so crazy info: the new horizon space craft that was just launched is going to take some 9 freakin years to get to Pluto and then venture beyond to the lastest "planet" discovered
drunken times........ so hazy
