It's meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Hows the start of '09 going for everyone?! I hope everyone is still keeping their resolutions
I had a bit of a loose weekend just been, as per, just being me I guess.. It's a shame it's become the norm. I'm sure I used to be able to have fun not being trashed and I'm sure I used to be more ladylike. Now, I'm a mess hahaha. I don't even care that much either it seems I'm shameless hahaa. Oh my..... I'm not happy about this
I've said it all before it's like noone holds my attention for very long, I get bored. Then I just get trashed to amuse myself. My friends are dope as fuck, of course. Not sure whats up theres no excuses. I need to learn moderation!! I'll try again this weekend coming. I'd like to do something different.......................
I've been seeing a boy but he's nothing to write home (well blog on SG) about. Theres not even an attraction there I really only text him when I have nothing else to do. What a bitch I am. I do have feelings under all this, somewhere, someone will bring them out one day I'll fall for someone. I stay hopeful I will one day be swept off my feet
Felt a strong sexual attraction for one boy but that was a Montague/Capulet situation. Well, not really, he is just friends with this other boy I'm with somtimes, that one I don't even like. In the same band . what am I doing?!?!?! Blew it with him anyway. Life ahhhhhhhhh
Can only keep trying. This is a bit of a venting emo post. Comment if you like.
Love my online friends xoxox
As always some photos for you fucken pervy cunts

Hows the start of '09 going for everyone?! I hope everyone is still keeping their resolutions

I had a bit of a loose weekend just been, as per, just being me I guess.. It's a shame it's become the norm. I'm sure I used to be able to have fun not being trashed and I'm sure I used to be more ladylike. Now, I'm a mess hahaha. I don't even care that much either it seems I'm shameless hahaa. Oh my..... I'm not happy about this
I've said it all before it's like noone holds my attention for very long, I get bored. Then I just get trashed to amuse myself. My friends are dope as fuck, of course. Not sure whats up theres no excuses. I need to learn moderation!! I'll try again this weekend coming. I'd like to do something different.......................
I've been seeing a boy but he's nothing to write home (well blog on SG) about. Theres not even an attraction there I really only text him when I have nothing else to do. What a bitch I am. I do have feelings under all this, somewhere, someone will bring them out one day I'll fall for someone. I stay hopeful I will one day be swept off my feet
Felt a strong sexual attraction for one boy but that was a Montague/Capulet situation. Well, not really, he is just friends with this other boy I'm with somtimes, that one I don't even like. In the same band . what am I doing?!?!?! Blew it with him anyway. Life ahhhhhhhhh
Can only keep trying. This is a bit of a venting emo post. Comment if you like.
Love my online friends xoxox
As always some photos for you fucken pervy cunts


thanks for your comment..i wish i could see that beauty doesnt lie in my weight...unfortunately i cant right now, stupid eating disorders.
Love your pics haha
Ah i acted really loose this weekend, got drunk and high as fuck and went mad haha good times.!