You're a bum, You're a punk, You're an old slut on junk. Lying there almost dead on a drip in that bed. You scumbag, you maggot, you cheap lousy faggot
Happy christmas your arse, I pray God its our last!
I have new photos so I thought Id share and update my blog. Everyone seems to be blogging these days My favourite on SG always being the too fucken fabulous Manko.
Oh my

My blogging, however, extends only to what Ive been up to lately.
I worked/volunteered at Ronald McDonald Charity House on Monday night. This is at Starship Hospital (kids hospital) where families of kids recovering from serious surgery, cancer, awaiting transplants and just really really sick kids stay. It did put things into perspective to see what some others endure. I know its meant to make you feel good about yourself helping others but it was depressing. Kids with tubes all through them and braces or whatever you call big metal rods through their bodies. NZ has a problem with child abuse there was an anti smacking bill passed earlier this year but gangs beat their kids. I cant comprehend it breaks my heart. See:
Cooked dinner for 150 people anyway xmas dinner of turkeys, ham, salads, spuds, peas, carrots, corn, bread rolls, desserts and all the trimmings. For someone who only microwaves and doesnt cook even for myself ha hard work hahaha.
Ive also been to a few fab parties. Some burlesque shows, although here the girls dont get down to pasties and a g. Not sure if its something to do with management at bars where they perform or girls just dont want to. Its cutesy more the tease. I still enjoyed it though.
I nearly got myself arrested a couple times. Just being a drunk . . Cops being cunts. Being cops.
My partying has caught up with me though Im sick right now. Never mind today is my last day at work then 2weeks off. Summer
Love all

Happy christmas your arse, I pray God its our last!
I have new photos so I thought Id share and update my blog. Everyone seems to be blogging these days My favourite on SG always being the too fucken fabulous Manko.
Oh my

My blogging, however, extends only to what Ive been up to lately.
I worked/volunteered at Ronald McDonald Charity House on Monday night. This is at Starship Hospital (kids hospital) where families of kids recovering from serious surgery, cancer, awaiting transplants and just really really sick kids stay. It did put things into perspective to see what some others endure. I know its meant to make you feel good about yourself helping others but it was depressing. Kids with tubes all through them and braces or whatever you call big metal rods through their bodies. NZ has a problem with child abuse there was an anti smacking bill passed earlier this year but gangs beat their kids. I cant comprehend it breaks my heart. See:
Cooked dinner for 150 people anyway xmas dinner of turkeys, ham, salads, spuds, peas, carrots, corn, bread rolls, desserts and all the trimmings. For someone who only microwaves and doesnt cook even for myself ha hard work hahaha.
Ive also been to a few fab parties. Some burlesque shows, although here the girls dont get down to pasties and a g. Not sure if its something to do with management at bars where they perform or girls just dont want to. Its cutesy more the tease. I still enjoyed it though.
I nearly got myself arrested a couple times. Just being a drunk . . Cops being cunts. Being cops.
My partying has caught up with me though Im sick right now. Never mind today is my last day at work then 2weeks off. Summer
Love all

thats so cool you did work at those hospitals, thatd break my heart!
hope you had a good one last night, i still feel wasted haha