Right your are Vacio, I do need to update! I want to be more active on the site I've heard SGAU make SGNZ look like hermits
How is everyone?!
My shit has been a little crazy lately... I think I'm bored and I'm pushing the boundaries. This is my friend Craigs diagnosis, I'm using it as my excuse. He's not wrong though that is what I'm doing. I've been doing it all year!
Will write this year off as getting used to Auckland (moved from Welly, from Hamilton to Welly) so settling in here making this my new home.
I've had heaps of fun and met some rad as fuck people. But I've also broken bones, budgets, laws, hearts. Well, I don't know about hearts.. Maybe only my own....
Work is going up, up, up though.
Most of you know I broke my ribs twice this year?! Both times alcohol induced hahaha.
First time six of us fell out of a smartcar looking like clowns, my flattie jumped the fence, i followed, my ribs broke my fall. Then the second time on a drug binge my friend hit me with his car. Awesome friend I know haa. He was reversing out of the driveway to park on the street I must have stumbled out, he must have been backing too fast. Crunch
Budgets. One weekend I spent $200 Friday night and $350 Saturday night. Theres usually a strip club in the mix. . Why couldn't I have learned some hustling skills. On an average bender I spend $200 easily. Even with the cheap wine I drink with friends beforehand or cheap wine I stash around the place it still seems to add up
Laws. Just last weekend I took off with some taxi drivers keys. We were all in a van and just had the perfect amount of cash, then fare went up $6 because van I think. We were walking away or nah nah nah fuck you. Taxi driver got out and was hitting up my friend for cash being a cunt about it. I jumped through the back dived over the drivers seat took out the keys and took off. Zomg hahahaha leaving him stranded there!
All he would have had to do is radio in for spare key though it's not like had his house keys or anything on the key ring and it's not like I took the money.
Theres been a lot of drunk driving. Dumb. I know, I know. I even had towies call cops on me and sped off flippin the bird slurring "it'll take a bad mutha fucken cop to catch me". Fights over bullshit as well. Just the norm
Hearts. I haven't had a crush on anyone all year. Noone has held my attention. I've had a few flings and a few one nights stands but then I've blanked those boys afterwards. Cannot be bothered. It's like when I do meet someone I like I just want to hang as mates anyway. I think I'm part robot..................................................
I'm hopefull I will fall in love again
So thats my story I might be online a little more I'm trying to up my zen and calm my crazy ass down
What are you reading right now?
What activities do you do by yourself to make yourself happy (I don't mean wanking off) I mean yoga or painting or whats your hobbies?
What are you looking forward to next year?

How is everyone?!
My shit has been a little crazy lately... I think I'm bored and I'm pushing the boundaries. This is my friend Craigs diagnosis, I'm using it as my excuse. He's not wrong though that is what I'm doing. I've been doing it all year!
Will write this year off as getting used to Auckland (moved from Welly, from Hamilton to Welly) so settling in here making this my new home.
I've had heaps of fun and met some rad as fuck people. But I've also broken bones, budgets, laws, hearts. Well, I don't know about hearts.. Maybe only my own....
Work is going up, up, up though.
Most of you know I broke my ribs twice this year?! Both times alcohol induced hahaha.
First time six of us fell out of a smartcar looking like clowns, my flattie jumped the fence, i followed, my ribs broke my fall. Then the second time on a drug binge my friend hit me with his car. Awesome friend I know haa. He was reversing out of the driveway to park on the street I must have stumbled out, he must have been backing too fast. Crunch
Budgets. One weekend I spent $200 Friday night and $350 Saturday night. Theres usually a strip club in the mix. . Why couldn't I have learned some hustling skills. On an average bender I spend $200 easily. Even with the cheap wine I drink with friends beforehand or cheap wine I stash around the place it still seems to add up
Laws. Just last weekend I took off with some taxi drivers keys. We were all in a van and just had the perfect amount of cash, then fare went up $6 because van I think. We were walking away or nah nah nah fuck you. Taxi driver got out and was hitting up my friend for cash being a cunt about it. I jumped through the back dived over the drivers seat took out the keys and took off. Zomg hahahaha leaving him stranded there!
All he would have had to do is radio in for spare key though it's not like had his house keys or anything on the key ring and it's not like I took the money.
Theres been a lot of drunk driving. Dumb. I know, I know. I even had towies call cops on me and sped off flippin the bird slurring "it'll take a bad mutha fucken cop to catch me". Fights over bullshit as well. Just the norm
Hearts. I haven't had a crush on anyone all year. Noone has held my attention. I've had a few flings and a few one nights stands but then I've blanked those boys afterwards. Cannot be bothered. It's like when I do meet someone I like I just want to hang as mates anyway. I think I'm part robot..................................................
I'm hopefull I will fall in love again
So thats my story I might be online a little more I'm trying to up my zen and calm my crazy ass down
What are you reading right now?
What activities do you do by yourself to make yourself happy (I don't mean wanking off) I mean yoga or painting or whats your hobbies?
What are you looking forward to next year?

I guess robots can break ribs too huh!
CHCH is a nice city I enjoy it but might have to relocate to get an electrical apprenticeship
My mum used to live in NZ and it's a place i've always wanted to visit!
And to answer your questions...
1) Adam's Curse - A genetics book about the devolution of the male chromosome.
2) My only real hobby is getting stoned and dancing about with no clothes on. The first sometimes leads to the second.
3) Trying to escape this dreary life and moving to LA!