I'm trying to keep this blogging business up and hope I'll get better at it with practise....
The weekend is here
I've had quite a long week and been a bit sickly but soon as clock ticked on to 4:59 Friday afternoon I miraculously got my energy back and felt fine ha ha ha. Funny how work drains you sometimes. No work for TWO DAYS. Fuck yea

I have a friends farewell tonight which I'm looking forward to. Lots of my friends from Welly are coming up for it so it'll be good to see everyone. It will be a big one for sure as much as I love that crew they are a bit munter++++ who knows what cocktail of drugs will be taken tonight. I will probably be away for these two days off work. Thats what work is for, resting after the weekend.... My friends that are leaving are off to India first, I'm hoping they wont die of dysentry or get raped by bandit kidnappers. I'm very jealous can you tell ha ha. Then they are travelling the world and plan to come back to NZ 2010! They have worked really hard for this it's all really exciting. I'm sure there will be pagen rituals and human sacrifice. Crazy times tonight
I have to put my photography skills to the test later this afternoon I'm photgraphing a friend. Not SG related but she is a babe she would make a kick ass suicide girl!!! I'll see if she'll let me post pics
I've joined Configure Express which is a womens only gym in the mall near me. Convenient! I've joined a 12 week weight loss programme. It's food inclusive. I'm convenience motivated so someone else making my food for me, taking out the fat then bringing it to me. Where do I sign?! I can't wait to start I start on the 18th (waited till pay day). It's gonna be a tough 12 weeks but whatevs I'm committed to this diet and exercise programme that have designed for me. I wanna look hot as hell for summer haa
Whats on everyones to do list this month? I can't believe it's already October!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a pretty full on month ahead of me
I hope you like the modified t-shirt ha haa it's from this blog
I can't explain it but every post is pretty funny

The weekend is here

I have a friends farewell tonight which I'm looking forward to. Lots of my friends from Welly are coming up for it so it'll be good to see everyone. It will be a big one for sure as much as I love that crew they are a bit munter++++ who knows what cocktail of drugs will be taken tonight. I will probably be away for these two days off work. Thats what work is for, resting after the weekend.... My friends that are leaving are off to India first, I'm hoping they wont die of dysentry or get raped by bandit kidnappers. I'm very jealous can you tell ha ha. Then they are travelling the world and plan to come back to NZ 2010! They have worked really hard for this it's all really exciting. I'm sure there will be pagen rituals and human sacrifice. Crazy times tonight
I have to put my photography skills to the test later this afternoon I'm photgraphing a friend. Not SG related but she is a babe she would make a kick ass suicide girl!!! I'll see if she'll let me post pics
I've joined Configure Express which is a womens only gym in the mall near me. Convenient! I've joined a 12 week weight loss programme. It's food inclusive. I'm convenience motivated so someone else making my food for me, taking out the fat then bringing it to me. Where do I sign?! I can't wait to start I start on the 18th (waited till pay day). It's gonna be a tough 12 weeks but whatevs I'm committed to this diet and exercise programme that have designed for me. I wanna look hot as hell for summer haa
Whats on everyones to do list this month? I can't believe it's already October!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a pretty full on month ahead of me
I hope you like the modified t-shirt ha haa it's from this blog
I can't explain it but every post is pretty funny

PS: We both keep it short - lol.
I actually joined a womens gym too. The idea of getting all red in the face and sweating my ass off in front of a room full of men doesn't appeal me at all!!!!Yay we can be distant work out buddies lol!