Sunday Sep 14, 2008 Sep 14, 2008 0 Facebook Tweet Email I'm a lazy blogger... My weekend in photos! x P VIEW 10 of 10 COMMENTS turbulence: cute and fun! miss ya! Sep 18, 2008 nova_: Looks like you gorgeous people had a fun weekend! I still have 2 years left on my degree which means 2 more years in Welly! But thanks no doubt I'll make a decision at the last minute haha Lucky that you got to go to the zoo! I havn't been for ages! x Sep 21, 2008
miss ya!
I still have 2 years left on my degree which means 2 more years in Welly! But thanks no doubt I'll make a decision at the last minute
Lucky that you got to go to the zoo! I havn't been for ages! x