I had dreams about puppies all night last night... but I can't have one in my apartment. Should I get a kitten instead??? miao!!
That sucks, Why can't you have a puppy? Ktten's are meh. But if you like em, then I see no reason why not.
Why do guys always hulk out? "I'm the toughest guy in town!!!" ARG!!!
So WIERD. I felt like I was in high school again. Going to a guy's house that still lives with his parents.
I am stupidly lusting after this boy. What did I get myself into?
TROY blush
So she apologized and had a lame excuse, but I really don't care. No biggie.
I invited her out with me last night witha couple guys I know and I am so glad she came because it would have been wierd by myself. The guys drove from MA because one of them had a tredmill to give me and bugged me for months to take...
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Sorry to see things went astray with your girlfriend. But its cool that you two made up.

So his name is Carmine huh? thats a cool name for a guy.

My girlfriends stuff smelled too (because of her ex roomates) so I had her throw it all in storage and we're just using mine. Generally speaking I don't like lovers moving in furniture before a few months of living together anyway. Never know what could happen and clothes are always easier to move then say.. sofas. Maybe I'm just pessimistic wink .

Anyway, good luck with staying away from that cop of yours. shocked
I was at my girlfriend's house last night and she got shitty with me because I asked her how much she payed for a dress. I said- "Wow, you must be doing well to spend that much on that dress!" and she said that I was making judgments on her and that I contradict myself because I spend just as much on other things. She...
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I had a really good time.

Now I have a dilema. Saty with the on and off relationship I have with some one that I love but fight with every other day or sever ties and move on?
I have a date tomarow with a younger man... a cop. He reminds me of my jr. high math tutor that I had a crush on. He is quite cute and nice. blush
ps, i don't care if you don't want any friends.. I was you're first and i plan on being here.
makes me feel so special, and im serious. best of luck with the date.
I don't want any friends. smile