this weather is so nasty, the other day was amazing, and now its nasty again. my puppy is losing his puppy fur
but hes still the best, even though he eats poop, soooo gross. i so need to get my xmas shopping done..thank goodness for online shoppping i havent been out to do shopping for others yet in the real stores, kinda dreading that one. anyone in the northern va area need a roomate?? i am so looking to get outta my house, i love my parents but come on im almost 24 and i need to get out not to mention we live in the stix! oh well....wish i could afford my own place, in fact wish i could find a man to live with so i could work part time and spend more time with my pup and get another pup heheh!! hope everyone is doing well!!!
hugs and kisses

hugs and kisses