Some people are Bleeding Heart Liberals, I'm a Broken Heart Anarchist.
Don't panic SG Land I am alive, I had really gone off blogging but have finally worked up the bother to do one.
So what is new in the life of a punk?
Well I went to Dirty Weekend Festival for the second year and wow how it had grown, gone from 200 to about 500 people so still rather small, but man was it awesome, the stages were actually at the campsite this time so no long trek to town. The Restarts were incredible, Culture Shock were awesome, I don't usually like dub but Black Star Dub Collective were incredible!
My cosplay out fit for the Winter London Film & Comic-Con arrived last week too, and I look sexy as fuck in it!
Did someone order a sexy ass prince of Dorne?
Not a lot else new in my life really, there might be someone in my life soon, but I really don't know at this point.
It's never straight forward to me, I'm always left playing some guessing game, I've been told I'm way too forgiving and trusting, I'll always give someone the benefit of the doubt when I probably shouldn't. But I really think I should in this case since they're a troubled person but then so am I and a this would normally put a lot of people off, but it doesn't put me off, everyone deserves a chance and I'd like to think someone would overlook my issues so I'd be a massive hypocrite if I didn't do the same.
Plus they are completely awesome, she loves Bad Religion and Firefly, my 2 favourite things in the world!
See you in the world!