I'll get the negative out the way, the girl I was seeing, turns out she's been getting a lot of shit from her ex and is really confused about what she wants, so the last thing she needs is me putting her under any sort of pressure and I;m giving her space, so if it is gonna happen it's gonna be while, I'm still, free easy and single :P
Good thing number one: First rehearsal with my band today, we've got one song down and another almost, the first one being "Storming Normndy on PCP" and the second GCHQ is watching you. Oh and we're probably gonna be called Caustic Cream Soda :P
Secondly the purchase of my flat is definitely going ahead, reservation fee paid, mortgage secured, just need to wait for the solicitors to do their boring shit and it mine!!!
My mates band played their last ever show Friday, it was mental to say the least since the bassist is cycling all the way to China! It was pure mental, by the end it was just total chaos, we did a massive human period at one point, 4, 3, 2 and I was right at the bottom in the middle and thank fuck no one got on the very top, after some time there I was struggling with the weight, luckily the guy to my left gave way first :P
This is my mates band, check the out, the guitarist is gonna be the bassist in my band :