Has anyone else noticed that the Raptors in Jurassic Park 3 are punks? See the resemblance? 

This is such a clich thing to say but, man I really cannot catch a break.
To cut a long story short, invited the girl I started seeing last week to hang out with my punk friends Monday and she was so distant all night, apparently according to one my friends she's been getting loads of shit from her ex, I thought something may be up but I didn't think it would be right to ask, figured she'd tell if she was ready to discuss that sort of thing with me. At the end of the night I asked her if she wanted to carry on seeing other or just be friends, she said "I don't know".
When I got home I sent her a message asking if she did want to meet to talk about what was bothering her, it's been 2 days and she hasn't even looked at it (did I mention I fucking hate that "seen" feature on Facebook?).
I recognise when someone just needs time and space, so I'll try calling or texting her Friday, still debating whether I should ask again if she wants to talk about it or just be normal and see if she wants to go out again.
Anyway here's a bit of Social Distortion, I'm sure this song resonates with everyone at some point, really does with me right now.

This is such a clich thing to say but, man I really cannot catch a break.
To cut a long story short, invited the girl I started seeing last week to hang out with my punk friends Monday and she was so distant all night, apparently according to one my friends she's been getting loads of shit from her ex, I thought something may be up but I didn't think it would be right to ask, figured she'd tell if she was ready to discuss that sort of thing with me. At the end of the night I asked her if she wanted to carry on seeing other or just be friends, she said "I don't know".
When I got home I sent her a message asking if she did want to meet to talk about what was bothering her, it's been 2 days and she hasn't even looked at it (did I mention I fucking hate that "seen" feature on Facebook?).
I recognise when someone just needs time and space, so I'll try calling or texting her Friday, still debating whether I should ask again if she wants to talk about it or just be normal and see if she wants to go out again.
Anyway here's a bit of Social Distortion, I'm sure this song resonates with everyone at some point, really does with me right now.
love dinos!!! and that song uuuuuf love it too!!!!