Ah, I do love my Russian colleagues, we had another inter-office football match against our Traders and smashed them into the dirt 8-3, though we did have 4 rolling substitutes and our average age is about 10 years younger so fitness was a major factor 
We all (well the winners
) went to a local pub for some drinks and as usual the Russians were on it hardcore, unfortunately I have work at my second job tomorrow early so couldn't drink but they are an entertaining bunch.
They decided to teach me some more "interesting" Russian.
The phrase is pronounce "pop-o-dai" which effectively translates to "in the butt" so "vee pop-o-dai" is effectively "In your butt" It came up because apparently while teaching someone else the Russian word for Parrot, which is very similar "Pop-o-gai" they kept saying "pop-o-dai" by accident.
I do love learning random things in Russian XD

We all (well the winners

They decided to teach me some more "interesting" Russian.
The phrase is pronounce "pop-o-dai" which effectively translates to "in the butt" so "vee pop-o-dai" is effectively "In your butt" It came up because apparently while teaching someone else the Russian word for Parrot, which is very similar "Pop-o-gai" they kept saying "pop-o-dai" by accident.
I do love learning random things in Russian XD
That's a riot!!