I'm gonna try and do something new with my blogs, anyone can write at length about their life and themself and I will continue to do this in part, however I'm going to try and always ask a question, it may be something deep and philosophical, personal, preferences, political, or just plain silly. Try and get some discussion going to make my blog more than just boring you with my life
Q. What's your favourite thing to do in the world? (Other than sex, because lets just be honest, that's everyone favourites thing
) -
My answer - Paintball, that should have been obvious
So on the subject of me, little random fact about me that came to mind from commenting on someone else's blog. I have central heterochromia, if you've seen X-men:First Class you'll know heterochromia is a mutation making one eye a different colour to the other; central heterochromia is where a person has 2 complete rings of different colour in both eyes, in my case, green with brown on the inside. Unfortunately it does not mean I have super powers, darn.

Q. What's your favourite thing to do in the world? (Other than sex, because lets just be honest, that's everyone favourites thing

My answer - Paintball, that should have been obvious

So on the subject of me, little random fact about me that came to mind from commenting on someone else's blog. I have central heterochromia, if you've seen X-men:First Class you'll know heterochromia is a mutation making one eye a different colour to the other; central heterochromia is where a person has 2 complete rings of different colour in both eyes, in my case, green with brown on the inside. Unfortunately it does not mean I have super powers, darn.

How are you anyway? X
I'm ok! It'll all sort itself out