First of all I know I promised you all a Suicide Boys set a few weeks ago, don't worry I'm working on it! Been very ill and wanted to be at my best when I shoot it, maybe this weekend if your lucky 
Many of you know of my love for punk rock and paintball, but did you know I also fucking love DINOSAURS RRAAWWRRR!
Well not just dinosaurs, I've always had a fascination with prehistoric creatures and evolution in general, it's just so mind blowing the way life changes, hence my favourite TV series is "Primeval". I enjoy many of the documentary and educational series that exist out there, particualrly when the information is inaccurate or out of date. There's an awesome Youtube channel it's got most of these series uploaded in full, enjoy fellow dino-nerds!
Random dinosaur fact: Up to one third of dinosaurs species that have so far been discovered did not exist! This is due to the misclassification of fossils. You see what paleontologists had overlooked is the possibilities that dinosaurs bone structure would dramatically change as they developed into adults. For example the Pachycephalosaurus, 2 other similar species Dracorex and Stygimoloch have been re-classified as juvenille and sub-adult Pachycephalosaurus, you as it gets older the spikes round the back of the head grow out, then receed to nubs and distincive dome head develops at maturity. These dinosaurs are very famous for "butting heads" like deer, but actually they would kill each other if they did this because bone is solid and doesn't absorb impact, this is why deer have plenty of air cushioning in their heads! The head dome was actually for displaying to females as it showed the males sexual maturity. Interesting side not, many herbivores famous for fighting each other and predators actually didn't. How many of you love Tricertops? Bad news, it was actually a young Torosaurus, the horns were not weapons and their frills were not shields, both were to symbolise sexual maturity, the horns changed angle as the animal got older and the frill was not strong enough to be much good defensively, plus the head is a terrible place for a defensive weapon when your main predator weighs 6 tonnes and would fall on your head if you stabbed it with them!
Ultimately this boils down to the way our thinking has changed of dinosaurs, we are seeing more and more that all of them, even big bulky ones like triceratops and the sauropods were more like birds than reptiles. Though, like reptiles they never stopped growing! Hence leading to a lot of misclassification.
All the crests, horns, frills and plates were there for just one purpose... SEX!

Many of you know of my love for punk rock and paintball, but did you know I also fucking love DINOSAURS RRAAWWRRR!

Well not just dinosaurs, I've always had a fascination with prehistoric creatures and evolution in general, it's just so mind blowing the way life changes, hence my favourite TV series is "Primeval". I enjoy many of the documentary and educational series that exist out there, particualrly when the information is inaccurate or out of date. There's an awesome Youtube channel it's got most of these series uploaded in full, enjoy fellow dino-nerds!
Random dinosaur fact: Up to one third of dinosaurs species that have so far been discovered did not exist! This is due to the misclassification of fossils. You see what paleontologists had overlooked is the possibilities that dinosaurs bone structure would dramatically change as they developed into adults. For example the Pachycephalosaurus, 2 other similar species Dracorex and Stygimoloch have been re-classified as juvenille and sub-adult Pachycephalosaurus, you as it gets older the spikes round the back of the head grow out, then receed to nubs and distincive dome head develops at maturity. These dinosaurs are very famous for "butting heads" like deer, but actually they would kill each other if they did this because bone is solid and doesn't absorb impact, this is why deer have plenty of air cushioning in their heads! The head dome was actually for displaying to females as it showed the males sexual maturity. Interesting side not, many herbivores famous for fighting each other and predators actually didn't. How many of you love Tricertops? Bad news, it was actually a young Torosaurus, the horns were not weapons and their frills were not shields, both were to symbolise sexual maturity, the horns changed angle as the animal got older and the frill was not strong enough to be much good defensively, plus the head is a terrible place for a defensive weapon when your main predator weighs 6 tonnes and would fall on your head if you stabbed it with them!
Ultimately this boils down to the way our thinking has changed of dinosaurs, we are seeing more and more that all of them, even big bulky ones like triceratops and the sauropods were more like birds than reptiles. Though, like reptiles they never stopped growing! Hence leading to a lot of misclassification.
All the crests, horns, frills and plates were there for just one purpose... SEX!

Dodos !!!!