I'm feeling pretty good about myself, a little down, but I've got a small feeling of contentment I haven't felt in a while, I've just got back from the my Southern Dragon Kung Fu class and that usually makes me feel pretty good but I feel relatively at ease.
I finally got my laptop and PS2 back from my ex yesterday, she received a second letter by recorded delivery to show I was serious about going through small claims court to get them, but I think the only reasons she bothered to returned them was because I stated that she would be liable for the costs of the court case as she would almost certainly lose.
As I requested they were returned to the Solicitors office where my mum works, the purpose of this was to provide a neutral location as my mum doesn't work the reception so she could just drop the stuff off and avoid any confrontation or grief for anyone. Of course the guy she left me for had other ideas....
He strolled in first and demanded to speak to my mum, she couldn't remember exactly what was said but it was personal and somewhat having a go at my mum, what a fucking twat! I had asked for the stuff to be dropped there as a courtesy to her because it's near to where she lives and to avoid confrontation, but he delibratly seeked one, not with me, but with my mum! In her place of work too, I don't need to tell you what dick move that was. If he really felt the need to say anything he could have got in contact with me, I made it clear to his friend who threaten me that I would listen to anyone who had something to say and he's got me blocked on Facebook but has a second account he could have used to say these things directly to me.
My ex also apologise to my mum for the way things played out, which is a very empty gesture in my eyes, considering she's said things like "my ex deserves a swift blow to the head" and I'm "a despicable human being" behind my back on a public forum (I'm aware I'm doing a similar thing here but the difference is I would say all of this to her face given the chance, not issue a fake apology). But at least my mum got the point across to her of just how devastated and torn to bits I was over it.
Now to enjoy the rest of the day with some old school PS2 gaming, bit of Naval Ops: Warship Gunner then some Ace Combat me thinks
I finally got my laptop and PS2 back from my ex yesterday, she received a second letter by recorded delivery to show I was serious about going through small claims court to get them, but I think the only reasons she bothered to returned them was because I stated that she would be liable for the costs of the court case as she would almost certainly lose.
As I requested they were returned to the Solicitors office where my mum works, the purpose of this was to provide a neutral location as my mum doesn't work the reception so she could just drop the stuff off and avoid any confrontation or grief for anyone. Of course the guy she left me for had other ideas....
He strolled in first and demanded to speak to my mum, she couldn't remember exactly what was said but it was personal and somewhat having a go at my mum, what a fucking twat! I had asked for the stuff to be dropped there as a courtesy to her because it's near to where she lives and to avoid confrontation, but he delibratly seeked one, not with me, but with my mum! In her place of work too, I don't need to tell you what dick move that was. If he really felt the need to say anything he could have got in contact with me, I made it clear to his friend who threaten me that I would listen to anyone who had something to say and he's got me blocked on Facebook but has a second account he could have used to say these things directly to me.
My ex also apologise to my mum for the way things played out, which is a very empty gesture in my eyes, considering she's said things like "my ex deserves a swift blow to the head" and I'm "a despicable human being" behind my back on a public forum (I'm aware I'm doing a similar thing here but the difference is I would say all of this to her face given the chance, not issue a fake apology). But at least my mum got the point across to her of just how devastated and torn to bits I was over it.
Now to enjoy the rest of the day with some old school PS2 gaming, bit of Naval Ops: Warship Gunner then some Ace Combat me thinks

old man symdrome, i almost peed xD yes make them take their asses out of the couch and have some fun