Right I want to get my first tattoo done in the next few days, but I just can't decided what I want to get done first and where. The main place I'd rule out is my left arm as I eventually want a sleeve on that arm, starting as flames going down the arm with Chinese dragon emerging out of it.
I want to start with something simple, with lyrics, a saying or phrase that defines me, here's some possibilities...
"I am a leaf on the win, watch how I soar" - From the film Serenity, also the mantra of kamikaze pilots about embracing their destiny.
"What if every living soul could be upright and strong?
Well then I do imagine, there will be sorrow no more" - lyrics from my favourite Bad Religion and overall song, slightly abreviated
"Stand up and fight and I'll stand up with you" - The Gaunlet - Dropkick Murphys - to me meaning stand up for what you believe in
"Still Burning" - Name of a Stiff Little Fingers song that as always spoken to me
Either "10 seconds... Game on" or just "Game on" This one I'm very keen on because it relates to my great passion in life, paintball. This is how a game starts, 10 seconds is called and then counted down silently until either a buzzer sounds or a ref shouts "game on" This is is the most defining phrase in paintball so it's the natural choice. With this one I would want an image with it, maybe the words round the outside of a paintball? Maybe the words over and under an image of my marker, that would be complicated though. (There's plenty of pics of it in my pics section)
I know ultimately I should decide what's right for me but I'm so indecisive about everything! So I would really value opinions about which you like the best or if you have anything to suggest that you think suits me. Please all input is welcome
I want to start with something simple, with lyrics, a saying or phrase that defines me, here's some possibilities...
"I am a leaf on the win, watch how I soar" - From the film Serenity, also the mantra of kamikaze pilots about embracing their destiny.
"What if every living soul could be upright and strong?
Well then I do imagine, there will be sorrow no more" - lyrics from my favourite Bad Religion and overall song, slightly abreviated
"Stand up and fight and I'll stand up with you" - The Gaunlet - Dropkick Murphys - to me meaning stand up for what you believe in
"Still Burning" - Name of a Stiff Little Fingers song that as always spoken to me
Either "10 seconds... Game on" or just "Game on" This one I'm very keen on because it relates to my great passion in life, paintball. This is how a game starts, 10 seconds is called and then counted down silently until either a buzzer sounds or a ref shouts "game on" This is is the most defining phrase in paintball so it's the natural choice. With this one I would want an image with it, maybe the words round the outside of a paintball? Maybe the words over and under an image of my marker, that would be complicated though. (There's plenty of pics of it in my pics section)
I know ultimately I should decide what's right for me but I'm so indecisive about everything! So I would really value opinions about which you like the best or if you have anything to suggest that you think suits me. Please all input is welcome